Workers’ Comp Insurance for Staffing Agencies in Pennsylvania

Workers’ compensation insurance coverage is required for any business that employs at least one employee who works in the state of Pennsylvania, even if the company is based in another state. This requirement also covers employers who have made a contract of employment with an employee, even if that employee works outside of Pennsylvania. This mandate is especially crucial for staffing agencies, as it applies to agencies within Pennsylvania and those outside the state with employees and/or temporary staff working in Pennsylvania. If you are a business based in Pennsylvania, or if you have employees working, whether permanently or temporarily, in Pennsylvania and you would like a workers’ compensation insurance quote, you can reach out to NPN Brokers at (561) 990-3022 and receive a quote within minutes.

For staffing agencies, understanding and complying with Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp insurance requirements is vital. This coverage protects both the employer and the employees in case of work-related injuries or illnesses. Staffing agencies face unique challenges as their employees are often placed in various environments, making it even more critical to have robust workers’ compensation coverage. Whether your staffing agency is based in Pennsylvania or you have staff working there temporarily, NPN Brokers can help you secure the necessary coverage quickly and efficiently.

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act ensures that employees who are injured or fall ill on the job receive a percentage of their lost wages and reimbursement for medical expenses. This law applies to all businesses with employees in Pennsylvania, with very few, strictly followed exemptions that usually do not apply to staffing agencies or firms. The need for this insurance is non-negotiable, ensuring that your business is protected from potential financial liabilities arising from workplace accidents or illnesses.

NPN Brokers specializes in providing tailored workers’ compensation insurance solutions for staffing agencies. Our expertise ensures that you get the right coverage for your unique needs, whether you are a local agency or an out-of-state firm with employees working in Pennsylvania. By choosing NPN Brokers, you can rest assured that your business complies with Pennsylvania’s stringent workers’ comp laws, providing peace of mind and financial protection for your agency and employees.

Pennsylvania Workers’ Comp Requirements for Staffing Agencies

All businesses with employees in Pennsylvania are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Under the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, employees who are injured or acquire an illness on the job receive a percentage of lost wages and reimbursement of medical expenses. This requirement applies to all staffing agencies operating in the state, ensuring that both employers and employees are protected in the event of workplace injuries or illnesses.

There are few and very strictly followed exemptions to this rule, which typically do not apply to staffing agencies. In Pennsylvania, an employer may be excluded from the requirement to insure its workers’ compensation liability only if all workers employed by it fall into one or more of the following categories: federal workers, longshoremen, railroad workers, casual workers whose employment is casual in character and not in the regular course of the business of the employer, persons who work out of their own homes or other premises not under the control or management of the enterprise and make up, clean, wash, alter, ornament, finish, repair, or adapt articles or materials for sale that are given to them, agricultural laborers earning under $1200 per person per calendar year and no one agricultural laborer works 30 days or more per calendar year, unless the agricultural labor is provided by the employer’s spouse or children under the age of eighteen and they have not sought inclusion under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws by filing an express written contract of hire with the Department, domestic workers who have not elected with the Department of Labor and Industry to come under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act, sole proprietors or general partners, those granted exemption due to their religious beliefs by the Department of Labor and Industry, executive officers who have been granted exclusion by the Department of Labor and Industry, and licensed real estate salespersons or associate real estate brokers affiliated with a licensed real estate broker or a licensed insurance agent affiliated with a licensed insurance agency, under a written agreement, remunerated on a commission-only basis and qualifying as independent contractors for state tax purposes or for federal tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Staffing agencies must ensure compliance with these requirements to avoid legal and financial repercussions. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including fines and potential closure of the business. Therefore, understanding and adhering to Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws is not only a legal obligation but also a critical aspect of risk management for staffing agencies.

NPN Brokers is committed to helping staffing agencies navigate these complex requirements. We provide comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance solutions tailored to the specific needs of staffing firms. Our team of experts stays up-to-date with Pennsylvania’s regulations, ensuring that your agency remains compliant while offering optimal protection for your employees. By partnering with NPN Brokers, you can focus on running your business with the confidence that your workers’ comp insurance needs are fully covered.

Does My Staffing Agency Need Workers’ Comp Coverage Even if We are Out of State?

Even if your staffing agency is based in another state, you will need workers’ comp insurance for all staff working in Pennsylvania. This requirement applies to any staffing agency that has employees or temporary staff working in Pennsylvania, regardless of the agency’s home state. Ensuring that your out-of-state staffing agency complies with Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation laws is crucial to avoid potential legal and financial liabilities.

This mandate also extends to remote workers who are based out of Pennsylvania. If you have employees working remotely from Pennsylvania, your agency must provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for them. This ensures that all your employees, regardless of their location, are protected under Pennsylvania’s workers’ comp laws.

NPN Brokers specializes in providing workers’ compensation insurance for staffing agencies, both within Pennsylvania and those based out of state. Our team can help you navigate the complexities of interstate workers’ comp requirements, ensuring that your agency complies with all relevant laws and regulations. By choosing NPN Brokers, you can secure the necessary coverage for your employees, providing peace of mind and financial protection for your business.

Get a Workers’ Compensation Insurance Quote for Your Pennsylvania Staffing Agency

If you need workers’ comp insurance, you can easily get a workers’ compensation insurance quote online with NPN Brokers. We understand the unique needs of staffing agencies and provide tailored insurance solutions to meet those needs. By filling out our online quote form or calling us at (561) 990-3022, you can receive a quote within minutes and obtain coverage in as little as 24 hours.

NPN Brokers is dedicated to providing fast, efficient, and comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance solutions for staffing agencies in Pennsylvania. Our streamlined process ensures that you get the coverage you need quickly, allowing you to focus on running your business. Contact us today to get started and protect your staffing agency with reliable workers’ comp insurance.