
Are Hazardous Industries Required to Have Workers’ Comp in Florida?
Feb 5, 2020
Hazardous industries are required to have workers’ compensation in Florida. In fact, all businesses that work in the construction industry and construction-related fields are required to have workers’ compensation policies due to the high level of risk...

Who is Exempt from Worker’s Compensation Insurance in Florida?
Feb 3, 2020
While most companies are required to purchase Workers’ Compensation insurance in Florida, not all are. To learn more about your company’s insurance requirements, reach out to our brokers. Almost all businesses in Florida are required to get Workers’...

What Is the Fellow Servant Rule?
Jan 28, 2020
According to the Fellow Servant Rule, employees that are injured because of the negligence of other employees in the workplace are unable to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer; however, it does not defend employers against worker’s...

Contributory Negligence vs. Comparative Negligence in Florida
Jan 28, 2020
Florida is a comparative negligence state, which means that the damages that a plaintiff is awarded will be reduced by the percentage of fault of that plaintiff. But what does that mean for worker’s compensation claims that are made in Florida? Florida is a...

Does a Single Member LLC Need Workers Comp Insurance in Florida?
Jan 28, 2020
Florida has some of the most stringent worker’s compensation requirements in the United States. Whether or not a business is required to have worker’s compensation insurance depends on the industry that they do work in and the number of people that they...

How to Calculate Workers’ Compensation Cost Per Employee
Jan 27, 2020
Calculating the price of a worker’s compensation policy for a single employee is simple: you will just need information about the employee’s payroll and the rate of insurance that accompanies their job and industry. Businesses shouldn’t feel daunted...
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