
What is the Average Cost of Workers’ Comp Per Employee in Florida?
May 4, 2022
For Florida businesses with Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage, it’s important to learn the average cost per employee and what goes into determining that price. Otherwise, your company may end up paying too much for Workers’ Compensation...
Is There a Minimum Number of Employees for Workers’ Comp in Florida?
Apr 8, 2022
Florida has strict laws regarding which companies need Workers’ Compensation insurance. Generally, whether or not your business needs coverage will depend on the number of workers it employs. Whether or not a company needs Workers’ Compensation insurance...

What is the Cost of HVAC Businesses’ Workers’ Comp Insurance?
Apr 8, 2022
Whether you’re starting a new HVAC business or shopping for new insurance, you should know what to expect. So, what’s the cost of Workers’ Compensation insurance for HVAC businesses, and what goes into determining that cost? Generally, the cost of an...

How Do I Complete a Workers’ Comp Exemption Form in Florida?
Mar 10, 2022
What are you to do if you want to lower your company’s Workers’ Compensation insurance premium? Besides finding a more affordable plan from a Florida Workers’ Compensation insurance broker, your company’s owners or members may choose to...

What Percentage of Workers’ Compensation Do Employers Pay in Florida?
Mar 2, 2022
Employers in Florida need to understand the financial responsibility associated with carrying Workers’ Compensation insurance. In all likelihood, your Florida business will be required to have adequate coverage and will be responsible for paying for it. In...

How Do I Get Proof of Coverage for Workers’ Comp in Florida?
Feb 23, 2022
If your Florida business is required to carry workers’ comp insurance, as many are, it will likely benefit you to get proof of coverage. But what is proof of coverage for workers’ comp in Florida, and how can you get it? In Florida, proof of coverage for...
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