
What Should Workers’ Comp Insurance Cost in Florida
Aug 22, 2023
Workers’ Compensation insurance will cost different amounts for different companies in Florida. To understand the proper cost of insurance for your business, you will have to consider a few different things. To learn what Workers’ Compensation should cost...

Can a Contractor Make You Get Workers’ Comp Coverage in Florida?
Aug 20, 2023
If you hire a contractor in Florida, it is important to learn whether or not you have to get Workers’ Compensation for that individual. General contractors are responsible for ensuring that a subcontractor has the proper Workers’ Compensation. If they...

When is a Company Exempt from Workers’ Comp Required to Get Coverage?
Aug 18, 2023
Being exempt from a state’s Workers’ Compensation system means a company is not required to have insurance by law. That said, there are some reasons why a company might need to get insurance, despite being exempt. Companies that are normally exempt from...

Short-Term Workers’ Comp Policies for Out-of-State Contractors in Florida
Aug 16, 2023
It is not uncommon for out-of-state contractors to take on jobs in Florida. When this happens, contractors might need to acquire short-term Workers’ Compensation policies. You might need to get a short-term Workers’ Compensation policy if you are an...

How Do I Get a Workers’ Comp Exemption in New Jersey?
Jul 25, 2023
There are few Workers’ Compensation exemptions in New Jersey. The only way you will be eligible for an exemption is if you do not employ workers in addition to yourself. Those who do not want to get Workers’ Compensation in New Jersey should learn whether...

Does a Sole Proprietor Need Workers’ Comp Insurance in New Jersey?
Jul 23, 2023
Rules surrounding Workers’ Compensation insurance can vary based on business formation. Regarding sole proprietorships, compliance is based on the number of workers in addition to the sole proprietor. Sole proprietors in New Jersey only need to get...
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